Le Monde, October 27, 2001: "Un simulateur spatial complet, a mi-chemin entre le realisme et la science fiction..." |
FlightXPress, No. 10, October 2001 "Insgesamt ist die bei einem solchen Programm überaus wichtige Anleitung hervorragend umgesetzt. Hier können sich so manche kommerzielle Produkte ein Vorbild nehmen!" |
PC Format, August+September 2002 double feature "Fly the Space Shuttle - This is probably as close as you're going to get ..." |
PC Pilot, issue 19, November/December 2002 "The visuals are wonderful, especially the view of Earth from space, and the whole launch and re-entry sequences look fabulous." |
Computer Pilot, April 2003 "Orbiter is an in-depth simulation, based on complex physics models for space travel, planetary motion and atmospheric effects ..." |
Micro Simulateur, August 2003 "Si vous cherchez de nouvelles sensations de pilotage, alors Orbiter est fait pour vous..." |
Espace Magazine, March/April 2005 "Orbiter space flight simulator, mettez un vaisseau spatial dans votre PC" |
PC Answers, July 2005 "Orbiter 2005 - Take control of a variety of spacecraft in this highly realistic flight simulator." |
PC Gamer UK, November 2005 "If you're still reconciling the dream of being an astronaut with the reality of life, then try Orbiter. It's a horrifically detailed simulation of the near-future of space travel." |
BBC Sky at Night Magazine, January 2006 (Orbiter 2005 Edition on the cover disc): "Orbiter - Fly to the Moon and play among the stars with this realistic flight simulator. You'll pilot a whole fleet of spacecraft to space stations and the planets." |
PC Zone, August 2006: "This freeware spaceflight sim does an astounding job of replicating excactly how I'd imagine space exploration to be: hugely complicated and visually stunning." |
Astronomie Heute, October 2006: "Das Computerpgrogramm Orbiter läßt Sie selbst zu den Sternen fliegen - mit realistischen Flugmanövern echter und fiktiver Raumschiffe." |
Discover, April 2008: "Orbiter lets users pilot historical and fictional spacecraft around the solar system; options include flying a shuttle resupply mission to the space station and guiding a glider through the hazy skies of Venus." |
PC-Simulation Magazine.com, April 2008: (Feature article on AMSO): "Excellent équilibre entre réalisme et facilité d´utilisation. Travail complet et beau! Verdict: Un must." |
Micro Simulateur, July 2010 "Ce simulateur de vols spatiaux en freeware est a la fois recreatif et pedagogique. Son objectif initial etail de demontrer que meme des concepts physiques complexes peuvent etre amusants a apprendre, en placant l'utilisateur dans le role d'un pilote de vaisseau spatial." |
The Guardian, 2 June 2014 mentions Orbiter in an article entitled What every parent needs to know about video games: a crash course as an excellent space sim [...] that teach children about the basics of aeronautics.
BBC Horizon programme "Ice Station Antarctica", broadcast 10 May 2016. Features Orbiter as part of a long-term training retention research project. The project investigates the amount of training required by astronauts on long-term missions, e.g. to Mars.